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Stranded Shallows is a Level Based Survival game in which the player is attempting to escape back to civilization. The player must avoid enemies and sustain their hunger and thirst while they work their way through a series of island and cave based levels. This game was created using Blueprints in Unreal Engine by a team of six students including myself.  This is the final version of our capstone project which took six months to complete.








My Capstone Project at Full Sail University


Stranded Shallows was created by a team of six student Game Designers including myself and two student artists for the last month of creation. This project was created in Unreal Engine 4 using Visual Scripting/ Blueprints for any scripting needs. Throughout this project I helped to create features which were implemented within the game including;


Game Features Created

Campfire - This feature uses a campfire consisting of several logs stacked together with two hidden particle effects. At all the player will see at a fire location is a log. If the player has 5 sticks they can use an input to build a fire. At this point the hidden stacked logs and fire particle effect will begin to play alongside a crackling fire audio file. These features run on a timer before being set to hidden again at which point the second set of burnt sticks will appear instantly in place of the fist set of fresh logs while a smoke particle effect begins to play alongside a sizzling sound to signify the fire is about to die. The smoke particle effect and the sizzling sound are set on a timer that will cause the smoke to slowly dissipate until stopping as the sizzling sound fades down to zero.


Glider Animation - The gliding animation I created can be used at any time the player is not touching the ground. This helps to prevent fall damage and to float from ledge to ledge to overcome certain obstacles. When the player pressed the glide button while they're airborne, the player will throw both arms into the air above their shoulders while simultaneously pulling out a small hand glider. 


Gliding Ability -  The gliding ability can only be activated if the player is not currently touching the ground. While gliding there are two possibilities of what can happen to the player. They will either begin to fall slowly with the ability to control their movement in air which simulates hand gliding. If the player glides over top of a Volcanic Vent or a Hot Spring, they will be set upward by the hot air. 


Volcanic Vents - Volcanic Vents are meant to provide a powerful updraft force to the glider. If the player hovers above a volcanic vent while gliding they will be shot upwards, extending the glide time in air and allowing them to reach higher destinations. 


Hot Springs - Hot springs are shallow pools of water with a steam particle effect blanketing the top. These are meant to provide more of a gentle lift to the glider while the player is gliding.


Falling Platforms - There are two types of Falling platforms. Shake Fall Platforms which will begin to shake and play a rumble sound effect as the player touches them, eventually falling after the delay timer runs down. The second type of falling platform is a Sudden Fall Platform which checks for two things; When the player enters a Sudden Fall Platform they will hear an audible crack as though the rock is cracking away from the wall. The moment the player leaves this platform it will fall from its resting position.  This type of platform allows for a falling bridge type of effect as panels can be lined up like a bridge and as the player steps off each one it will fall creating a sense of danger. Both types of platforms are set so they will respawn at their original location after a timed delay which begins to count down as soon as the platform falls.


Tutorial Checkpoint System - This game required a tutorial level in order to present the player with knowledge of the skills and abilities available to them within the game. It was my job to create a trigger system which would display the correct tutorial message for the current task while the player was standing within a trigger volume. I created the tutorial text for each portion of this level and set the volumes as needed. 


Jumping Tutorial - In order to teach the player that they would need to jump from ledge to ledge I created a series of pitfalls within a tunnel which forced the player to gradually increase their ability to accurately jump gaps. The final gap was set with a falling platform so that they player would know they would need to be aware of those at some point at well.



Torches - The torches in this game were created to combat the darker underground areas and give the player a way to see more easily. To do this I created sticks with fire particle effects and light sources at the tip, these object were able to be picked up and wielded by the player which in turn created a mobile source of light.


Water Depth Visual Filter - This effect was created using two different Post Processing volumes which were meant to simulate depth as the player swam down deeper and deeper. The first process volume was a brilliant clear island sea blue which then transitioned into a deep underwater blue with a point at the center which a blend effect would occur creating a smooth transition between volumes. I also muted sounds for the player to a degree while they were underwater to simulate how things sound while swimming underwater normally.


Wave Creation in Water - The wave creation had two settings, one which was calm and one which was meant for stormy seas. This was meant to be implemented as storms would hit the island creating a more chaotic and realistic look during the storm. The calm waves are the normal setting for the ocean surface any time that a storm is not occurring.


Gliding Puzzle - I created the gliding puzzle within the final level of our game. This puzzle consists of pillars with volcanic vents at certain angles. These vents push the player in a direction which will allow them to move from pillar top to pillar top successful if their movements are intentional. At the center of this puzzle the player would receive a battery which would allow them to power open a gate and proceed to the next area of the island. 


Falling Platform Puzzle - This puzzle was also set within the final level of our game. This was an on the island which contained ruins that were accessible by jumping on falling platforms to get in. Once inside there was no way back out unless you successfully complete the puzzle. The player was meant to use a series of volcanic vents inside of the ruins to ascend the interior while traversing falling platforms until they reach the final battery at the top of the ruin. From there they player was presented with one final Hot Vent which allowed them to soar high above the island as a reward for their efforts and as an easy way for move across the island to the final gated area.


Volcanic Island Level - I built the volcanic island level from scratch, using Unreal Engine's sculpting tools to create a realistic looking volcano. The goal of this map was for the player to ascend the volcano using Volcanic Vents and Hot Springs to reach a relic at the top which would teleport them to the next level when interacted with.


Ancient Ruins Level - The ancient ruins level was built with a maze like puzzle in mind. This labyrinth contained patrolling enemies, falling pillars, walls that needed to be shattered by the player, false relics which would teleport the player back to a nearby previous area, and a true relic at the center which would teleport the player to the next level.




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